Adam Steinberg
1 min readJan 18, 2021


"Patriot" also like "Patriot missile." I have been pointing out for days that the word "patriotic" to that group essentially negated the "peaceful" mention.

Thanks also for pointing out what should be obvious—and I hope will be part of the impeachment articles—that one speech is not all we need to look at to discuss President T. as inciting that crowd. It took months, even years of careful work.

Finally, please let us not forget the other Big Lie they will continue to tell, which is that the election was rigged, stolen, fraudulent. It's a masterful feat of gaslighting that shows no sign of being corrected by anyone on the Right, as they all now realize that admitting the lie (or even accepting the results) will cause them to be excoriated in the Righty-tighty media and likely result in death threats to themselves and their families. But it is true that until they walk this back and accept the consequences, it will be very hard to herd the monster they have unleashed back into, well, whatever you do with such a monster.



Adam Steinberg

Father • Copywriter • Teacher • Environmentalist • Songwriter • Language Watcher